Whenever students ask me and say, “Hey, can I come to watch a class?” I say, “Sure.” And my followup question is, “Why do you want to sign up in the first place?”

Most people want to sign up for several reasons. Because it’s on their bucket list, they want to bond with someone special, they want to make friends, they want to have fun,  they want to stop worrying about bills and all the drama of work-life and just come and relax. If any of those things that I mentioned you are looking for, then you don’t need to come and watch a class. You just need to sign up because you’re going to have a great time with us.

All we focus on is having fun in an environment that’s supportive where you and everyone else feels like they belong. The classes are short, they’re usually an hour, sometimes an hour and a half or maybe even two hours. But in that time the world stops and you just get to feel connected to yourself and everyone else in the room.

The other reason that people ask me, “Can I come and watch a class?” because they’re worried maybe the material is too hard and the class goes too fast.  Don’t worry because we have a big support system for you in our school. We have an instructor and an assistant teaching the class plus what makes our school unique is the four to six volunteers. They are called Helpers. They are advanced students who come and just want to be in the rotation, supporting you, making you laugh, helping you adjust whenever you feel confused or they’re even walking around the room and giving advice.

So, if you’re looking to have fun, if you’re looking to connect with people, if you’re looking to turn off the world, if you’re looking to be part of a tribe, feel like you belong then you don’t need to come and watch a class. Just sign up and don’t waste time. And if you were not going to keep up with the class, our whole system is based on supporting people who, even if they have two left feet, they can dance.

So yes, you can email us and we can set up a time where you can come in and watch a class. The biggest thing you will see is a class having fun and notice that you’re just sitting and watching the class where you should have been in.  We take care of the fun, the connection, the sense of belonging, the helping you keep up with the class.

All you really need to do is sign up because we take care of the rest.

If there is a question, dancing or school-related, you want me to answer, please leave it in the comments below. And if you want to take classes with us, click REGISTER NOW

Welcome to the family.