Well, the Annual TDS Competition has passed and it seems that each year gets better than the last! This year saw some amazing performances, especially the sultry song from Tracie Yee. With one great event passing, here’s whats going on to make sure that you have one amazing Summer of Salsa!

Get fit with our Zumba fitness classes! If you haven’t heard of the Zumba craze yet, put on your lulu’s and head down to Empress to get bikini-ready with this Latin-Fitness dance party.

Sexy Bachata-Sutra time. Learn the most romantic of the Latin dances, Bachata by either joining Tracie and I on Weds nights or taking your dance to the next level with Lucky’s Bachata-sutra. If you’ve never seen Lucky dance, there’s a reason he usually has a line-up of dance partners looking to enjoy his amazing Bachata skills.

Want to take your dance to the next level? Try the upcoming Helper-only Performance Class. Challenge your moves to some amazing Choreo, set at an advanced pace.

If you’re looking for more outings, we have our Bachata/Salsa Wed Night parties as well as our Sunday Socials. Stay tuned for more Saturday night theme parties!

If you’re looking for some non-TDS dancing, there’s always Sidewalk Salsa (at the corner of Spadina and Bloor), Salsa at Blue Mountain (june 22-24) and Salsa on St. Clair (July 7 & 8).

Keep your eyes peeled as I hear that there are some really cool specialty workshops coming up! As soon as I hear more, I’ll put them up.

Till then,

Stay Shining Salseros!