Thanks to Burju for sharing advice and guidance for our students and readers. Here is the final part of her interview. Hopefully when you attend your next salsa congress she will be instructing or performing so you can experience Burju’s style and be inspired!

SG – “What does salsa mean to you and how has it changed your life?”

BH – “For me Salsa is the genre that has brought together all the styles of dance and movement that I am passionate about. It is where I found I can truly express myself through movement to music that has captivated me since I was a teenager. It’s changed my life because it brought Victor, my partner and fiance, into my life and together we have made this our career and life’s work. It is something we both love and can share together.”

SG – “What are some of your salsa goals for 2008?”

BH – “Some of my goals for 2008 is of course to continue to grow as a dancer personally. To evolve in style and range of movement. I also hope to really challenge myself as a choreographer by pushing myself to try different things and take risks. I hope to put new choreographies out there that really make people think and appreciate the versatility that Latin music has to offer. It’s a scary thing to put yourself out there with something different for everyone to judge, but as an artist I’m striving for different and to have an influence on the evolution of this art form.”