Dancing Salsa brings many health benefits at a physical, mental, and spiritual level, and I know it’s difficult to understand it until you try it. Still, I will do my best to describe Salsa dance and why you should join your first Salsa dance class starting this moment, this week.

My favorite benefit is connection:

We are social creatures. It doesn’t matter if you’re introverted or extroverted; we need connection. We’re living in a day and age where we’re starving for connection. We are hungry for community, particularly in North American culture, where everyone is isolated.

Salsa heals the soul because when you walk into a dance studio with your partner or as a single person, part of learning is getting in rotation, which means holding hands, smiling and exchanging energy while practicing your moves. By doing this, you get to reconnect and feel like you belong, and this feeling heals the soul because there’s nothing as bad as feeling alone in the world. So I believe that dancing with a partner has the potential to heal and soothe a lonely heart.

The collateral benefit is getting momentum to be physical:

I used to hate going to the gym. It used to be a chore, but I knew the importance of having a healthy exercise routine, so when I realized that Salsa can be a workout and can be fun, I felt I found the right kind of workout for me. So that you know, you do over 1500 steps in a single dance class on average.

That number dramatically increases when you go out social dancing to a Latin club once you complete Salsa level one and Salsa level two and feel confident. I can assure you that being physical has never been so fun as when you do it with Salsa.

My suggestion is to come into a weekly class instead of drop-ins. Dancing every week helps you build momentum to be more physically active. Creating momentum benefits every other part of your life. When you’re coming in every week to a Salsa dance class, you start to build the routine of being physically active, which impacts every other aspect of your life.

I can’t count how many people I have met who have changed their lives because they started taking Salsa classes and got inspired to be physically active. It is a transformative and incredible experience that begins with one weekly dance class.

The underrated benefit is happiness:

I believe happiness comes from doing difficult things. Salsa is challenging, but it’s good to feel challenged as it sparkles creativity and the motivation to learn new skills.

We live in a world where all of our needs are met effortlessly.  Every solution It’s at our fingertips. We are hungry; We order food. We feel bored; we watch a movie, we binge-watch. No wonder we are often at the end of the day restless and filling our time with things that are like those sugar cubes, fun and sweet in the moment, but they would melt in our mouth so fast, leaving us unsatisfied and longing for more. That ephemeral pleasure is never a fulfilling experience.

When you dance Salsa regularly, you can feel the progress in your body and your mood. You feel proud of yourself because you’re growing. Progress and growth are the basis of sustainable and genuine happiness. So believe me when I say that there are many Salsa Health Benefits. So now, look at this. You are connecting and being part of a community that practices a fun regular physical activity that is challenging but rewarding and creates a feeling of growth that leads to a happier life! Why not? You can be part of this world by giving yourself the gift of Salsa.

I can’t wait to welcome you to our big family, have you coming in, week to week, having fun, connecting with new friends, and letting loose to amazing Latin songs. Click here to check our current schedule.

If you have any questions you would like me to answer here are some ways you can contact me: message me on Instagram (torontodanceSalsa), on Twitter (#torontodanceSalsa), on Facebook (Toronto Dance Salsa) or email me at [email protected].