Party without the pretence. No rules, just good vibes. All levels are welcome and you can show up without a partner.
Where 100-200 students and friends come together to practice their moves — and learn new ones not covered in our regular classes! Show up before the party begins for an all-levels lesson to start your night off right.
There really aren't any rules. You don't even need a partner to attend. People regularly go on their own, ready to socialize! Leaders will ask followers to dance and vice versa. Most people switch partners after every dance, although many dance with the same few partners throughout the night. We also have helpers who’d love to ask you to dance or introduce you to others.
Just come with an open attitude to meet people and have fun — and you will! You’ll soon start to make connections and quickly form a circle of bachata friends.

Bachata Parties are held every other Saturday (except long weekends) at our Empress Walk Studio.