Living a Heart-Centred Life

“Remember the emphasis on the heart, the mind lives in doubt and the heart lives in trust. When you trust, suddenly you become centred.” Rajneesh

Last week a student told me that he took dance classes in high school but my classes were so much different. He said that he could see that I love what I do and he could feel my energy and passion and that it permeated the classes. It was a great compliment. It also made me think about what draws us to certain places and people and what makes us stay.

When I was 16 years old, I discovered a Chinese chess game called Go. For the next six and half years, mastering Go was my life. I was pretty good. I competed in North America. I started a high school club where I met my first girlfriend. Admittedly, she was the only girl who ever joined my Go club. But then something shifted. When I was 23, I started to dance. I started taking Salsa classes and dance became and 12 years later continues to be my obsession.

So why did I stick with Chinese chess and Dance? I tried so many other things and I didn’t stick with any of them.  What was the difference? Curiosity brought me to Go but I became obsessed because I found a community and felt like I belonged.

I started to dance because I was an insecure, overweight guy, who didn’t feel very masculine, couldn’t dance and felt uncomfortable around girls.  But what kept me going and made me fall in love with dance? I found a place where I #belong. And in spite of all the ups and downs of dance, and the pandemic, I’m still here and I still love what I do. I’m so blessed and grateful.

That feeling of belonging was what was consistent in both Go and Dance. That was always at the center of my heart. And the coolest part was, I only found out that my core value is #belong about six years ago, but when I found out, it made sense. The people that I was unconsciously attracted to and pulled towards and wanted to be around all fit into this value.

The more I centre my life around my core value of #belong, the more I can be, do and give the best of myself. That’s what that student really was feeling. He and every other student at Toronto Dance Salsa gets the best of me. I am where I am supposed to be because of the community because I #belong.

I believe that in all of us, there’s this single thing at our core. It is what you value most. It can be #belong, #love, #care, #believe, #kindness, #sparkle, #acceptance, #empathy, #family. It can be anything but once you discover it and you get to put yourself in places where there is more of that value, it is truly amazing.

Imagine a life where everything – your relationships, your job, your hobbies – has an element of your core value. Your life is heart-centered and full.

We all have our different reasons for what pulls us to things, but I believe in my heart, that what keeps us is the heart – that core value that drives you.

If we can all just be a little bit more intentional this week with our core value, with our heart center, with our one word, the whole world becomes a more beautiful place. Because if we’re all living that heart-centered life, everyone gets the best of us  – including ourselves.

Read You Don’t Have to Be Alone to discover more about making connections.

I can’t wait to welcome you to our big family, have you coming in from week to week, having fun, socializing, and letting loose to amazing Latin songs. Click here to check our current schedule.

If you have any questions you would like me to answer, here are some ways you can contact me: message me on Instagram (torontodancesalsa), on Twitter (#torontodancesalsa), on Facebook (Toronto Dance Salsa) or email me at [email protected].