TDS Picture of the week With Nadia Nadia, Moji De Tarraxinha Capoeirista, Claudia Betancourt León, Fernando Ulloa, Stefan Bissoon and Monica Bautista!
Never be afraid to ask for help, especially when you have good friends or family who are likely more than willing to help out. Michelle Stewart, De-Stress Your Life #Family
We should make some time in between and organize our life, relax ourselves and spend more time with our family, friends, and pursue our own hobbies. Robert Gallagher, Stress Management #Family
Take care of your closest friends and family. Mauricio González Vidal, Lead yourself to Real Success in just 15 Minutes #Family
The feeling of friendship is like that of being comfortably filled with roast beef, love, like being enlivened with champagne. Samuel Johnson #Family
Families and friends form some of the closest of bonds you will ever experience. Jeffrey Dawson, Boundaries:Line Between Right & Wrong #Family