I rarely hear people make complaints about their experiences with Salsa Dancing, but nine times out of ten it has to do with personal hygiene. While it’s easy to assume that most of the odour offenders are Salseros; I’ve heard just as many complaints from men about the fairer-sex. Whether you’re a guy or a girl, one thing is for sure; unpleasant odours make for an unpleasant dancing experience.
So what should a dancer do? Here are a few tips that I’ve discovered during my dancing experience that has kept everything in check:
Put the following in your shoe bag:
deodorant, body spray, breath mints/gum/melts, hand towel – with these items in your shoe bag, you’ll be reminded to freshen up each time you put on your dancing shoes.
Refrain from smoking right before or during dancing:
As someone who’s really sensitive to cigarette smoke, it’s very hard to enjoy a dance when it’s hard to breathe.
Try to have breath-friendly meals before dancing:
If you do partake in that oh-so-tempting garlic spinach dip, be sure to brush your teeth or breath mint it up before dancing.
Bonus Tip:
One item that I find keeps me smelling good is sun tan lotion. Not only will it keep your from getting sun-burned; but you’ll also smell like the beach: in my opinion, the greatest smell of all time!
On a final note:
Salsa is a sweaty, calorie-burning affair and if you don’t keep on track with your personal hygiene; you’re going to lose out on a lot of great dance opportunities. Hopefully with a few of these tips in mind, you’ll be smelling and dancing great at all of your outings, classes and performances!
Till then,
Stay Shining Salseros!